How to Setup a Basic Website in IIS 8

How to Setup a Basic Website in IIS 8

In general hosting part of the application is not done by developer but however in some scenario where the team size is small or we need to host the application on the local server, we developer does all the work. In this article, I am going to show how to host an application on IIS 8.

#1. Open the IIS manager either from the Start screen by searching for the "inetmgr" command in the search box or writing the same in the Run window.

Note: You can also achieve the same by going to Control Panel and clicking on Administrative Tools  ( which is under System and Security ) and then select Internet Information Services (IIS).

#2. Once you have opened the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager,  Expand the Server node and then click on sites folder. Click on Add Website in the Actions pane.

Note: You can also achieve the same by right clicking on Sites folder and then select Add Website

#3. Once you click on Add Website, it will open up a window. Please enter the all details as per the example provided below.

In that i have provided details ad follows Site Name as TestSite, provided the physical path of the application and in the binding section i have selected the Ip Address as All Unassigned and Port as 80 ( Default Settings ).

After entering the details press Ok to create your site.

#4. If it shows any alert as follows then press Cancel and change the port number and click Ok.

#5. To browse your hosted application, right click on the website name and go to Manage Web Site and select Browse.

Note: You can also achieve the same by clicking on Browse in Actions pane.

#6. On clicking on browse, your site will be opened in your default browser as follows.


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